Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved.

1) We are committed to increasing our value to you, our members, every month. In order to do that we will continue to make it as easy as we can for members to draw upon their many years of experience, expertise and success and share what they/you have learned for all of us on the site to benefit from. As part of that goal, we want to honor those of us/you who take the time to offer information that has been useful to you. To make it rewarding for those who choose to share their hard-earned time and knowledge, we not only reward those who share but protect them from "flaming:" the practice on the internet of often anonymous attacks that don't bring any value to other members. Attacks or criticisms are not welcome and contribute nothing to the good-will or value of members. And because they discourage sharing, and risk robbing members of enormous value in the process, there is a ZERO tolerance for criticisms or attacks of the information members share. What is STRONGLY encouraged and very welcome is your own experience about what has worked for you. Instead of knocking what another landscaper does or has found has worked, we want YOU to tell your story about what is and has worked for you. Members can then decide for themselves which approach to take. Our ideal is a site in which every member shares the tips and resources that have benefited their business so we can all learn.
2) Every member must contribute something of value to the site. The most valuable thing you can contribute is your experience and expertise, thoughtfully and carefully shared. This is so valuable that you can have free membership for life simply by consistently gathering and presenting information useful to the industry. In return, you will benefit from everyone who does the same, receiving back much more than you give. You can also contribute to the site with your money, which we will invest in gathering the most useful information we can find for landscapers. If you have questions or want special help with something please ask. Keep the principle of sustainability in mind: How can you give back more than we take. That is our commitment to you: We aim to give you at the very least 10 times more value than you give the site. If you are not receiving that value, let us know, or better yet, become a free member and contribute the value you see as missing from the site by locating and submitting the information you would like to see.